Inflation Adaptation!
Hey world.... it has been 12 years since I've posted on this blog!
Since my last post, I finished my PhD, I got a great job, I married my beloved Simon, and we bought a cute little house in the suburbs. My hubby and I both work hard and are good at budgeting. As a result, we have slowly and carefully built a lovely little life for ourselves. We were lucky to be able to work through the pandemic and are grateful to have come through these hard times with our health intact.
But here's the deal... in the past few months, almost everything has dramatically increased in price. Gas. Bills. Basic services. And most noticeably.... food. Like most people, my grocery bills have been outrageous. If I'm not careful, I could easily spend 50% more to get 50% less. The experts say that inflation is at 8-9%, but that's not even close to what I'm seeing on my bills. It's ridiculous.
I confess that I've been cursing under my breath at the grocery store for the past few months. "How is this now $8???" "Did they seriously just bump that up two bucks and think I wouldn't notice??"
Thank God I have decades of training that has taught me how to live with less. I can make beans taste amazing and last forever. And for that reason, I decided to re-start this blog, not just for myself, but so that we can all get through this period of intense inflation together. I am blessed to no longer be in a dire financial situation today. However, I am even more blessed to have learned how to make life joyful and delicious, even amid intense economic hardship.
The joy comes from looking at what we have and then creatively exploring how to make it taste great. It means growing some of our own ingredients, leaning into old peasant dishes, and adding a few easy tricks to basic recipes that make everything seem decadent. When in doubt, caramelize onions and crush garlic with stone. :)
So, what am I going to do with the Pauper's Gourmet? I'll share my best and most frugal recipes here, leaning on those ingredients that are least expensive in the stores that week and most nutritious for my family. I'll also write about every other penny-saving trick I use over the next few months, such as weather-stripping the doors and any DIY solutions for otherwise expensive at-home problems.
We all know that gas-prices are going to make this a tough winter. But there are lots of ways that we can adapt so that we don't have to be hungry or cold. The wisdom of living well with limited means is a beautiful thing. Indeed, it is my sole inheritance, and a very rich one. I am honoured to share it with you here!
No fear. No shame. Only warm hearts and full bellies. Looking forward to a season of smart strategies and creative adaptation with you all!
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