Kitchen Essentials for the Frugal Cook
Effective frugal cooking requires some key staples in a kitchen. Oil. Onions. Garlic. Spices. Acquiring these staples requires start-up funds, but they will pay dividends in the long run. If money is tight in making these purchases up front, one could rotate in cost-smart meals for a couple of weeks until the budget catches up. Beans, lentils, and frozen vegetables are not inflation-proof, but they are inherently inexpensive, super healthy, and easy to prep. In fact, I will use these ingredients a lot in my recipes here. Now... where to get these core staples? No one should ever buy spices in pretty little jars. Anything beyond $3 for 200grams of any ordinary spice is stupid and a rip-off. Of course, saffron and candlenut are more expensive but we can skip those big ticket items and make delicious stuff with more accessible spices like paprika, basil, cayenne, cumin, and coriander. Always buy these spices in big packages, often best found at "ethnic" grocery stores that cha...