Super-easy Cajun pan-seared tilapia
I love fish. I love catching fish, cooking fish, and eating fish! Yesterday I made a pan-seared tilapia with roast potatoes and a side of fresh greens. It was incredibly easy, and affordable. The following ingredients serve 2 people, but I bought a pack of tilapia that serves 5. If you buy a pack of tilapia and you are only planning to use part of it, then don't thaw the whole pack! You are not supposed to re-freeze fish (or any meats), so just thaw what you need and leave the rest in the freezer for future use. For dinner with my sister yesterday, I used: 1 pack of frozen tilapia filets: $6.99 for a pack of 5 ($1.40 for each person) a small dollop of oil: let's say $0.05 4 potatoes from my sack: about $0.25 worth mixed greens: about $2.50 for a pack (we have leftovers) salt black pepper paprika cayenne pepper 2 small cloves of garlic TOTAL: $9.79 to serve 5; $1.96 per person. Instructions: Potatoes: I have a million different ways of doing roast potatoes, but this is what I di...